Friday, November 7, 2008

Sandranger: Epic Fail

A Habbo user called sandranger joined Habbo recently, but I'm sad to say that HE REALLY PISSES ME OFF. And other people for that matter. (sandranger: epic fail) (and the argument lasts until page 7)

There was another thread created by a Habbo called pokemonrule!!! He was complaining that people wrote "junk" in his thread. We told him not to be childish and forgave him, but that's not the point here. sandranger also "forgave" him and told people not to insult him to, but then: (where he claimed to have forgiven him) (where he started insulting him again) [where the argument started (I'm Nad.3s. O_O) until the last page]

Proof that many people don't like him:

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