Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gaming week

Alright, I renewed my memory card. My last one went BZZZZT for some reason.

So, I've been in a controller-pressing mood lately. Recently, I've been playing Tales of Eternia. And I finally beat Undine! Not easy though. So now, I'm at the part where I have to confront Efreet (the fire Craymel who's supposedly more immature than Sylph, though I hardly believe it to be possible). It was pretty easy to find his domain with the floating-air-board-thingy (it was a really long name) that Sylph gave me. SYLPH IS SO CUTE <33 not to mention useful. So, I was fooling around with it thinking "YAY! NOW I DON'T HAVE TO SPEND BILLIONS OF GALD JUST TO TRAVEL IN THE SAME CONTINENT!" And then, I encountered an island in the centre of Inferia with a mountain called Farlos (at least, that's what the map said). And someone there told me about a "bridge" at the top of the mountain. So, whoopie, now I know where the Bridge of Light is, so I can get myself to Celestia. Sadly, I still have to collect Efreet and Rem, I think. Oh, and I'm never going to the Forest of Temptation again. Ever.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Watch this!

Watch this damn video 'cause it's damn funny. You have to damn watch it. If you don't, that's damn fine, but if you want a good damn laugh then DAMN WATCH IT! XD

Friday, November 21, 2008

A very late bye-and-see-you-next-year post....

In a pretty lazy mood these days since, well, the holiday just started so the only thing I've been doing on the Internet is browsing. I haven't even been working on my Maple seires. ><

Well, here I am to blog about the school year of 2008.

Lodge - My School, My Home

Looking back from now, I realize that.... 2008 is really a year that I would never want to forget. Sure, there've been some arguments, disagreements and broken friendships. But, all in all, it was.... how do you say it.... good. I found that this year, our class was really.... united, everyone got along very well, and worked together.

Karen is leaving to go and study abroad. I can only say, may God bless you with success in whatever you do in future :) and the whole class and I will miss you. :(

Mr. Lee, after years of dedication to the school and his students, is retiring. God bless you and I hope you will spend your remaining years in peace (you probably will since there aren't going to be students running around pestering you :D). We'll all miss you lots.

I also congratulate everyone about their UPSR results. It doesn't matter whether you got 5A's or not, as long as you worked hard, you should be proud of yourselves (and don't forget to give thanks to God!).

Signing out....

Friday, November 7, 2008

Sandranger: Epic Fail

A Habbo user called sandranger joined Habbo recently, but I'm sad to say that HE REALLY PISSES ME OFF. And other people for that matter. (sandranger: epic fail) (and the argument lasts until page 7)

There was another thread created by a Habbo called pokemonrule!!! He was complaining that people wrote "junk" in his thread. We told him not to be childish and forgave him, but that's not the point here. sandranger also "forgave" him and told people not to insult him to, but then: (where he claimed to have forgiven him) (where he started insulting him again) [where the argument started (I'm Nad.3s. O_O) until the last page]

Proof that many people don't like him:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Approaching the end of the year....

First post of November....

Upcoming events:
Field trip at Jong's Crocodile Farm (we could've gone to Malacca but NoOoOoO....)
Announcement of UPSR results
End-of-year party
Blessed youth camp at Santubong Resort
Bible exam (for me that is.... Mum already took hers....)

Next year, everyone's going their separate ways, and some people are leaving. Sad :'( gonna miss the peeps who are leaving....

Seriously bored.... the number of activities to do on the Internet are decreasing, there aren't even any funny YouTube vids or fanfics to post....